März 3, 2025


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Deutschlands Handelsbilanz ist im Januar stärker als erwartet gestiegen

Deutschlands Handelsbilanz ist im Januar stärker als erwartet gestiegen

Veröffentlicht: 3. März 2023 2:18 Uhr ET

Von Ed Frankl

Deutschlands Handelsüberschuss weitete sich im Januar im Vergleich zum Vormonat stärker als erwartet aus, da die Exporte stiegen und die Importe zurückgingen, was die Auslandsnachfrage zu Beginn des neuen Jahres ankurbelte.

Der bereinigte Handelsüberschuss des Landes – die Bilanz aus Exporten und Importen von Waren – stieg auf 16,7 Milliarden Euro (17,70 Milliarden US-Dollar).

Von Ed Frankl


Germany’s trade surplus rose more than expected in January compared with the previous month as exports ticked up and imports declined, reflecting recovering foreign demand at the start of the new year.

The country’s adjusted trade surplus–the balance of exports and imports of goods–climbed to 16.7 billion euros ($17.70 billion) in January from EUR10.0 billion in December, data from the country’s statistics office Destatis showed Friday.

Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal expected a trade surplus of EUR12.20 billion.

In January, exports increased 2.1% on month to EUR130.6 billion, reflecting improving global demand for German manufacturing goods. Economists expected exports to rise by 1.5%. Most German exports went to the U.S. in January, with goods export up 3.1%, Destatis said.

Imports fell 3.4% on month, to EUR113.9 billion, in a sign that domestic demand weakened after the economy contracted at the end of 2022. The economists anticipated a decline of 0.3%.

While Germany’s trade surplus shrunk markedly in 2022 as energy prices jumped, it recovered somewhat toward the end of the year as energy prices ticked lower. However, trade still faces headwinds at the start of 2023 amid uncertainty about a possible slowdown of the global economy.

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Write to Ed Frankl at edward.frankl@wsj.com
